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Dobro došli na web stranicu Ureda sponzorisanih projekata

We Design the Process of
Quality Management

Rukovodilac Ureda sponzorisanih projekata

dr. Nađa Beglerović

Ured sponzorisanih projekata
Ured sponzorisanih projekata

We Design the Process of Quality Management

Establishing a system of internal quality assurance is a strategic decision of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), which is grounded in legislation, mission and vision of the university. The system of internal quality assurance aims to improve the functioning of IUS ina way to ensure quality of its awards.

Ured sponzorisanih projekata

Quality Assurance (QA) Office operates as an independent body within the Rectorate.

Establishing a system of internal quality assurance is a strategic decision of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), which is grounded in legislation, mission and vision of the university. The system of internal quality assurance aims to improve the functioning of IUS in a way to ensure quality of its awards.


Basis for QA system at IUS

Establishing a system of internal quality assurance is a strategic decision of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), which is grounded in legislation, mission and vision of the university. The system of internal quality assurance aims to improve the functioning of IUS ina way to ensure quality of its awards.


The IUS quality assurance system is focused on students and it is founded on the principles of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA),the applicable standards and legal framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo Canton, and it meets the requirements of ISO 9001 standards. The established quality system is implemented within a clearly defined and transparent legal and organizational framework that includes documents, processes and people responsible for the functioning of the system.


QA Office has responsibility for:

  • Establishing internal quality assurance processes by which IUS assures the quality of its awards
  • Surveying students to find out their satisfaction with courses and services
  • Coordinating activities related to national, international and professional accreditation of the institution and study programs
  • Servicing IUS Curriculum Committee
  • Spreading the culture of quality by organizing workshops, lectures, and information dissemination
  • Providing support for all internal and external stakeholders in the field of quality assurance
  • Providing support to academic annual performance evaluation.


Importance of Stakeholders

Every internal and external stakeholder are encouraged to participate in the establishment and ehancement of the quality assurance system at IUS. Internal stakeholders are students, professors, teaching assistants, administrative and technical staff employed at IUS. External stakeholders are natural and legal persons connected to the activities of the University, such as the representatives of the industry, educational institutions, governmental and non-governmental sector, graduates, parents, prospective students, and so on.

QA Bodies

The system of internal quality assurance and management involves all employees at IUS. It is implemented by the following bodies:


  • The Board of Trustees
  • IUS Management with advisory support of the Internal Quality Assurance Council (IQAC)
  • Quality Assurance Office
  • All organizational units as well as permanent or ad hoc  committees.


We Design the Process of Quality Management

Establishing a system of internal quality assurance is a strategic decision of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), which is grounded in legislation, mission and vision of the university. The system of internal quality assurance aims to improve the functioning of IUS ina way to ensure quality of its awards.

Ured sponzorisanih projekata
Ured sponzorisanih projekata

Naše aktivnosti

Quality Assurance Processes

Establishing internal quality assurance processes by which IUS assures the quality of its awards.


Surveying Students

Surveying students to find out their satisfaction with courses and services.

Coordinating Activities

Coordinating activities related to national, international and professional accreditation of the institution and study programs

IUS Curriculum Committee

Servicing IUS Curriculum Committee.


Culture of Quality

Spreading the culture of quality by organizing workshops, lectures, and information dissemination

Internal and External Stakeholders

Providing support for all internal and external stakeholders in the field of quality assurance.

Annual Performance Evaluation.

Providing support to academic annual performance evaluation.

Annual Performance Evaluation.

Providing support to academic annual performance evaluation.

Annual Performance Evaluation.

Providing support to academic annual performance evaluation.

Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu - Najbolji privatni univerzitet u Bosni i Hercegovini

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